Web and Digital Marketing

10 Web Form Examples You’ll Want to Copy Immediately

Here’s a collection of some impressive online website forms so you can learn by example, and hopefully apply some of these methods to your own web forms. Download the Introduction to Lead Generation, a starter’s guide to converting website visitors into inbound leads for your business.

Web and Digital Marketing

How a Few Pages Can Make or Break Your Website

A few pages of content could make a significant impact on your website. Content marketing and SEO aren’t subjective. The quality of the words you write can be quantified, and they can generate a return for your business.

Web and Digital Marketing

Why Even a Little Data Matters (And What to Do About It)

We live in a data rich environment. Even so, many companies still struggle to transform their data into meaningful and actionable insights. Driving outcomes from your data takes turning knowledge into action. Yielding insights doesn’t take as much data as you think. Here’s a personal example of how a company could use a little data to provide a better customer experience.

“Oh, I see” . . . Video Can Add Weight and Interest to B2B Marketing Efforts

Video content is meaningful to both consumers and B2B customers.

6 Reasons You Need Video Marketing for Your Business

With 97 percent of marketers saying that video content has improved prospects’ understanding of their products or services and 76% indicating that it has helped increase sales, you can’t afford to ignore this content marketing format. Here are 6 reasons why you need to add videos to your marketing toolkit.

15 Types of Video Content for Every Stage of Your Marketing Funnel

Content marketing should attract, engage and convert website visitors. That’s where video marketing comes in. There are opportunities to offer video content throughout the buyer’s journey and move them to a purchase decision faster. Here are the top 15 types of video content that will help carry your customers down the marketing funnel.

Which Types of Video Work Best for B2B Marketing Objectives?

While it varies case-by-case, today’s B2B marketing departments generally focus on three objectives: brand awareness, thought leadership, and lead generation. Let’s take a look at which specific types of video content have proven most effective for these three critical directives.

How to Use Live Video in a Product Launch: 7 Ways

All of your marketing efforts, including live video, should lead back to your website and business. If you build your business on someone else’s foundation, you’ll always be at the mercy of their rules. But you can use social media platforms to gain additional traction. Discover seven live video tactics that will create a warm and engaged audience for your next product launch.   

Content Marketing

The 3 Things B2B Marketers Need to Boost Content Marketing ROI

Just as critical and desirable as tracking ROI, is increasing it. Want to know the core tactics B2B CMOs and marketing managers used last year to increase the success of their content marketing? Here’s a look at where they put the most emphasis, and a reveal of three things you’ll need to increase your ROI.

Content Marketing

4 Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing

Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business School and DocSend examined 34 million interactions between customers and content on DocSend’s platform. The result is empirical data and a good starting point for examining core aspects of any content marketing initiative.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing Metrics: 7 Simple Clues That Your Strategy Is Working

While you may understand the overarching goal of content marketing, it isn’t always obvious how to track your content performance and results. Content marketing metrics can be both formal and informal, but the key is that you actually know how to measure content marketing success. Here are seven clues that may help evaluate your strategy and continually improve it.

Content Marketing

Road Map to Success: Turn Your Strategy into a Stellar Editorial Content Plan

A documented strategy is essential to achieving content marketing success. Are you looking to build this essential tactical plan for your organization or refine the one you have? Read more for a handy tutorial and some of our best resources to guide your way.