Email Marketing

7 Important Email Marketing Tips for the B2B Marketer

It is difficult to make your audience notice your email let alone engage with it in the sea of emails all shouting for attention. So what can you do to make your emails stand out? There are many methods that have their own relative advantages and limitations. However, the following tips may help B2B marketers who want their emails to stand out above the rest.

Email Marketing

How to Craft a Successful Email Marketing Strategy in 2020 [Examples + Template]

By: Zara Burke

Email marketing is a powerful tool to encourage your audience to engage with content and to nurture leads in your database along the buyer’s journey. Email marketing is getting harder to do well. Here is a set of guidelines to learn what strategies you should start implementing, absolutely avoid, and keep up in 2018 and in years ahead.

Web and Digital Marketing

5 Secrets to Great B2B Marketing Dashboards

In the not-too-distant past, B2B marketers kept measure of their impact on market share growth, revenue, leads generated, and how much content they created. Good marketers quickly escape this trap, but it’s hard. The barriers to seeing if messaging and content work with customers and salespeople rob everyone of the ability to be more effective. It’s time to retire this old school approach to marketing.

Email Marketing

Top-Rated Email Marketing Software

By: Chanell Alexander, Researcher, TrustRadius

Regardless of what is currently trending, email is still king. However, to have a stellar email marketing campaign, you first have to have the right software. Here is a list of the top seven email marketing tools according to

Email Marketing

5 Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing Campaign

The enemy of email marketing is the full inbox. Information overload puts subscribers on the defensive and is a drag on open and click-through rates, often to the point where email campaign ROI goes underwater. Nevertheless, successful email marketing is possible. The 5 suggestions that follow will enable you to subdue the full inbox enemy, and improve results.

Print Marketing

The Fisherman Approach to Print Advertising

Hook-less ads are a waste of money. Trade magazines with lots of information-hungry readers represent oceans of possibilities. You just need to know which bait to use. Here are some ideas to stop readers and reel them in.

Print Marketing

How to Drive Sales by Advertising in Magazines

Lost in the hype about social media buys and online presence is the fact that magazine advertising still works. The Advertising Research Foundation recently found that magazines produce the highest return on ad spend of any visual medium. What’s the best way to make sure your magazine ad campaign fulfills its potential? Start by applying these concepts.

Print Marketing

How to Create an Effective Print Ad

Your business’s print ads need to give readers a reason to be interested in your business; they must be clear, succinct, informative, and inviting. Your print ad has just a split second to attract attention and quickly explain why your product or service has some lasting benefit to those who read about it. This procedure can help you create an eye-catching print ad.

Brand Salience, Positioning, and Meaning: Key Concept to Help Brands Stand Out from the Crowd

So how do brands put salience, positioning, and meaning together? The way to meet these expectations is to produce quality, relevant, engaging content. If brands can create regular content that genuinely uplifts the audience and addresses their needs, they can stand out (salience), stake out a position (positioning), and communicate their brand story (meaning). That’s how to stand out from the crowd.

Web and Digital Marketing

9 Web Design Trends That Will Change the Way You Interact Online This Year

Meta Description: Making predictions about web design trends is not an exact science, but neither is design itself. 2017 saw a number of web design trends. As we recalibrate on what is important, it’s fascinating to ponder which trends will carry on, which will fizzle out, and what new design approaches will take the online world by storm. Here are 9 web design trends that the author believes will be popular.

Brand Loyalty Is a Key to B2B Success

Spoiler Alert: Brand loyalty isn’t much different from Mom at the grocery store . . . and getting closer by the day. Brand loyalty is the backbone of B2B marketing and a key to B2B success. Here are thoughts on the value of B2B brand loyalty and how to build it today.

What Is Brand Loyalty and Why Your Brand Needs It

In Part 1 of the series, Building Brand Loyalty, you’ll learn what brand loyalty is and why it matters to your brand and your business. It is always cheaper to retain existing customers than it is to acquire new customers, and brand loyalists aren’t just repeat purchasers. They’re also vocal brand advocates that create word-of-mouth marketing which turns into new business. Building brand loyalty should be a strategic imperative for every business.