Marketing - General

How Today’s B2B Marketers Are Pushing Customer Centricity

Placing the customer at the center of your business strategy is best for companies. Creating a positive sales experience for customers can mean the difference between success and stagnation.

Web and Digital Marketing

Three Ways to Improve Google Image Search Results for Manufacturing Websites

To give your SEO a boost, give some love and attention to your product images. Go through your website and update file names and alt tags, add captions if possible, and replace blurry or outdated images with high-quality professional images. Then, track your results. You should begin to see your images appear on the traditional SERP and in the Images search results.

Leads Aren’t Everything. Find the Metrics that Drive Your Business

This series focuses on the metrics that actually matter for marketers by discussing whether leads actually drive business. Marketers now have the opportunity to get out from under the one dimensional “how many leads” conversation, and take the driver's seat in creating strategic focal points for their businesses.

Building a B2B Brand Starts with Stories, Not Standards

Want to make the shift from a product-focused to a purpose-driven brand? Then you need to get at the stories that matter most to shape your brand, and then get them into the hands and hearts of the people who matter most. Chris Schermer discusses how to start with the experience to develop truly complete and compelling brand experiences.

Six Simple Steps for Making Landing Pages a Stronger Lead Generation Tactic

Landing pages enable marketers to direct website visitors to targeted pages and capture leads at a much higher rate. Landing pages direct your visitors to one particular offer without the distractions of everything else on your website. Visitors are on a landing page for one purpose: to complete the lead capture form. Here are six ways to make your landing pages land more leads.

From the Age of Reason to the Age of Feeling

Data in the absence of emotion is hollow. Why engaging customer hearts is as important as engaging their minds. Spark love for your brand by keying on the right emotions and the business benefits will follow.

Six Business Skills Every B2B Marketer Must Master

What companies are looking for is more of a business person who happens to be trained in marketing. Company executives want marketers coming through their door who are freely willing to get out of marketing and get a bigger perspective about what drives their business. They want marketers to know the business that they’re in. Here’s six skills that marketers need to tune into.
#customerfocus #workforcedevelopment

What Customers Really Want From Your Video Content (Infographic)

Video content is a necessary component of any successful marketing strategy. Your audience engages with and wants to see more videos from you. Accenture Interactive surveyed more than 1,000 consumers to learn more about how they interact with video content and how marketers can create videos that will get clicked, watched, and shared.

How to Create a Unified Brand Experience

Customers expect much more from brands now. The most effective way brands can engage customers is to have an authentic purpose and to engage more actively in a two-way dialogue with brands. Employees have become an essential component of branding, and brand experiences are now largely shaped by the workers on the front lines who interact daily with customers and must meet their ever-rising expectations.

Why HR Is the New Marketing

If you’re in marketing, it’s time to start thinking about your colleagues in HR as your new best friend. And if you’re in HR, it’s time to think about how marketing can help you acquire and retain the best talent — while making the leadership team happy as well. Is HR the new marketing?

Myth versus Fact: Mobile Usage for the B2B Buyer Path is Growing

As the data in this article shows, we use our mobile devices for researching and purchasing B2B products and services. Growing mobile usage and changing mobile search patterns means it’s imperative your website be designed for and work well on all device types. The more user-friendly your website on mobile devices, the more positive impact to your bottom line.

10 B2B Lead Generation Strategies for 2017

Marketing is ever-evolving, and that means new tactics are always emerging, trends are always shifting, and the same goes for audience behavior. Keeping up-to-date with the latest insights and technology will help you optimize your funnel generating and converting leads. Lead generation tactics may vary, but one thing is certain – be visible, and make an effort to stay on top.