Content Marketing

Put These Call-To-Action Tips on Your Favorites List

Review these tactical tips and examples for creating a call to action (CTA) to make your copy more compelling, layouts more appealing, and campaigns more successful.

Content Marketing

7 Neuro Writing Tactics to Get Inside the Minds of Your Audience

Neuro copywriting has nothing to do with manipulation. While it can relate to natural-language processing communication techniques like anchoring and mirroring, it’s more about the application of concrete, actionable writing techniques.

Content Marketing

SEO Tools No B2B Content Marketer Should Be Without

Reaching the goal of Page 1 visibility (or even the top of Page 1) is key to a content marketing strategy. But with the right tools—and some of them free to use—you can optimize your content effectively and see your SEO scores soar.

Bad Press Releases: 14 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid

A bad press release can sink your marketing campaign. Improve your impact and cultivate a strong brand presence with your audience by avoiding these 14 common mistakes.

Content Marketing

Managing a Product Blog? Here’s What You Need to Know

How do you use your product blog to support sales without actually, well — selling? To help you get started, here’s a deeper dive into product blogging best practices to get you feeling inspired.

Content Marketing

How to Create a Powerful Headline in 7 Simple Steps

With so much riding on the headlines, coming up with the perfect sentence to appear above the article can be challenging. Here is a seven-point checklist to help you create effective headlines every time.


How to Create the Perfect Headline for Clicks and Shares

Since most people at first only see the headline and at most a picture, most of the time it is the headline that decides if people are going to click or engage.

Content Marketing

Effective Guide to Keyword Research

Explore how to execute keyword research strategy that boosts your content performance and maximizes your marketing. Here’s a keyword research process including tips and templates you can use to get started.

Content Marketing

Content Writing Tips Every Writer Needs to Know

These content writing tips can help you gain higher visibility and rankings on Google results pages, better engagement with readers, and an optimized writing process to make your workload easier.

Custom Content

This Is How AI Content Marketing Will Shake Up 2022

Content marketing is at the heart of customer engagement, and, while these next-gen writing tools can’t do the job on their own (there is still a salient role for a capable content writer), they are a savvy method of giving your outreach efforts the Midas touch.

Content Marketing

The Art of Letting Live and Letting Go

A sense of control—over our work and personal lives—has been fleeting as the pandemic continues. Becoming a COVID-19 employee and learning to navigate my position remotely has taught me that maybe this isn’t such a bad thing.

Content Marketing

Learning to Weave Together Industry Stories

Hannah Mason, Associate Editor at CompositesWorld, reflects on the ongoing learning process that is part of a Gardner Business Media editor job.


Getting Comfortable Outside of my Comfort Zone

Digital Assistant Editor Nate Fields describes his path toward working in the manufacturing industry.

Content Marketing

Why You Should Doubt Headline Best Practices Advice (Except This)

The headline isn’t six words long. And, according to advice on the internet, that’s the optimal headline length. You might have spotted a clue that signals how suspect that advice is. The very headline that promises to reveal the optimal word count comes in at double that “ideal” length.


The Hybrid Way

Assistant Editor Evan Doran discusses the hybrid nature of work at Gardner: both in terms of workplace and in terms of workpieces.

Insightful Writing Involves Meaningful Relationships

Lori Beckman, Senior Editor, Production Machining, says writing is more enjoyable when surrounded by good people who share a common goal and feels fortunate to have created strong connections and friendships while doing her job.

Content Marketing

Write Smarter/Faster With Tips From Top Content Creator Posts

Content creators recognize the struggle to find the right word, craft the right phrase, or just get the darn thing done. This post is loaded with helpful reminders and ideas from the most popular articles on the Content Marketing Institute blog in this category (plus links to many more).

Content Marketing

Psychological Tactics to Write Attention-Grabbing Headlines

A headline can be as important as the content itself. A study found that 59 percent of articles shared on social media weren’t even clicked on by the user. Headlines are a critical component in your online marketing efforts, and readers use headlines to make a snap judgment about your content. When you improve content headlines in your online business, the needle will move. Here are four techniques that will make your next headline more persuasive.