Web and Digital Marketing

High Quality Website Images Build Trust and Authority in Your Company and Brand

By: Rachel Cunliffe, Designer and Creative Director, Huff Industrial Marketing

Your website does more than sell your products, services and your business — it also sells people on the reasons why they should do business with you. In a new video released by Google in January 2020, John Mueller explained how image search rankings work. The first tip was to provide high quality images. But, what is meant by “high quality?” And, why did Mueller put this tip first versus how to get “found” in image search?

Marketing - General

Moldmaking Data Helps Moldmakers Stay Ahead of Coronavirus

By: Michael Guckes, Chief Economist & Director of Analytics, Gardner Intelligence, Gardner Business Media, Inc.

The Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19 may have a significant impact on the global supply chain serving the Moldmaking community. Moldmaking Technology Magazine and Gardner Intelligence can help Moldmakers stay a step ahead. Gardner Intelligence is one of the few places able to provide detailed and specific data on the Moldmaking industry on a monthly basis.

Additive Manufacturing Media Kicks Off Cool Parts Show Season 2

The Cool Parts Show is a YouTube series all about the advance of 3D printing into industrial production. The series will continue to be hosted by Senior Editor Stephanie Hendrixson and Editor-in-Chief Peter Zelinski. Each episode explores the design, manufacture and potential impact of a specific 3D printed part with host discussion and expert commentary. Season 2 highlights production and proof-of-concept parts from the automotive, consumer, UAV, dental and research industries.

Marketing - General

Your Relationship With Your Customer Is Key to Your Success

By: Todd Luciano, Publisher, Products Finishing

Relationship building is truly the key to any salesperson’s success, but getting there can be both easy, and challenging. If you follow some basic steps and get involved in the industry you serve, then you’ll be well on your way to a prosperous sales career.

Encouraging Gardner Business Index Implies Expanding Domestic Demand

By: Michael Guckes, Chief Economist & Director of Analytics, Gardner Intelligence

The Gardner Business Index (GBI) moved higher in the first month of 2020 to close at 49.6. By comparison, a reading of exactly 50 would have implied no change in total business activity. Therefore, January’s number indicates that business conditions contracted only very slightly for the month.

Durable Goods Spending Grew at its Fastest Rate Since May 2018

By: Steven Kline, Jr., Chief Data Officer, Gardner Business Media

Because of the declining change in the real 10-year Treasury rate in 2019 and the accelerating quarterly growth, durable goods consumer spending should see further accelerating growth in the first quarter of 2020.

Marketing - General

Put the Human Touch Back into B2B Marketing

By: Alex Sandoval, Global Strategy Director, MOI Global

The marketing sector can be a complicated place as new marketing tools and techniques are launched, almost on a weekly basis. Powered by The Drum Network, this content invites The Drum Network’s members to demystify the marketing trade and offer expert insight and opinion on what is happening in the marketing industry today that can help your business tomorrow.

Web and Digital Marketing

Tips for Improving Your Email’s Effectiveness

By: Ryan Dinger

Email has been a key component of the marketing mix for some time and the medium is showing no signs of slowing down as a marketing tool. But that doesn’t mean email marketing hasn’t changed. Your email strategy should grow with your data sets and MarTech capabilities. Do you feel your email could use a refresh? This presentation covers five things you should implement in your email marketing in 2020.

Social Media Marketing

Youth Movement in B2B Buyers Happening Faster Than You Think

By: Mark Semmelmayer, CBC, Chief Idea Officer, Pen & Inc. Marketing Communications

Marketing has never been static. Times change, media consumption changes, people change. Buyer demographics have changed. In manufacturing purchases, the over-50 buyer still has considerable sway. But that’s changing. What’s important is understanding how the younger demographic use social media in buying decisions, to craft better marketing plans that get more return from online marketing investment. This content provides a broad-brush framework for thinking about, and crafting, a social media strategy, and explores “selling” a plan, with social components, to a C-Suite.

Video Marketing Tips and Tools to Boost Your Traffic

By: Nat McNeely, Digital Marketing Manager, Breadnbeyond, an explainer video company

We’re visual creatures. We naturally understand and connect faster while watching videos rather than reading posts. In this article, we’ll go over video marketing tips and some tools to get started.

Social Media Marketing

HR and Marketing Bring Brand Promises to Life

By: Michelle M. Smith, CPIM, CRP, International Speaker, Author and Strategist

Enduring brands are built by people – not ads, clicks or views. Marketing has traditionally taken the lead in communicating the corporate brand promise, but when it comes to delivering on those promises, its people from all around the organization who have to do the work of successfully bringing the brand promise to life. And that’s why HR has a significant role to play in the process. Recognize and leverage the critical role employees play in enhancing and delivering the brand promise.
#brandbuilding #workforcedevelopment

Content Marketing

Shifting Landscape of Technology Is a Never-Ending Education

By: Brent Donaldson, Senior Editor, Modern Machine Shop and Additive Manufacturing Magazine

Brent Donaldson, Senior Editor, Modern Machine Shop and Additive Manufacturing Magazine discusses how the shifting landscape of technology that all of Gardner’s writers and editors cover is a never-ending education. If we are truly doing our jobs, we will never feel like we’ve mastered them. As I continue writing and reporting for AM and MMS, it’s easy to imagine how these technologies’ interdependency will continue to grow. It also seems clear that this kind of reporting — the kind that requires editors to experience and share new manufacturing technologies and strategies — is the kind of reporting that only Gardner can produce with any depth. I’m grateful to be part of it.
#brandbuilding #workforcedevelopment