Marketing - General

4 Business Strategies You May Be Overlooking

By: Tiffany Delmore, Marketing Insider Group

Developing a strategy that can dynamically respond to market conditions is very important to the success of your business. Whether it’s new strategies or old ones you end up adopting, make sure not to leave any overlooked.

Marketing - General

Smarter Machines, Smarter Marketing: The Promise of AI

By: George Stenitzer, Founder, Crystal Clear Communications

How will AI (artificial intelligence) change marketing? At the first-ever Marketing Artificial Intelligence Conference (MAICON), thought leaders showed marketers what’s coming.

Events Marketing

Event Website is Your First Impression: Make it a Good One

By: Mandy Hull, Director of Marketing, Map Your Show

Your event website gives a first impression for both exhibitors and attendees; it is important to create a user-friendly experience while still effectively accomplishing your goals. Here are some ways to ensure your first impression is a good one.

GBI Provides Contractionary Reading in July

By: Michael Guckes, Chief Economist/Director of Analytics, Gardner Intelligence

Gardner Intelligence’s review of the underlying data for the month observed that the Index – calculated as an average of its components – was supported by supplier deliveries and employment, which are often the slowest-responding components of the Index during a change in business activity.

Gardner Business Index Snapshot – Plastics Technology

By: Michael Guckes, Chief Economist/Director of Analytics, Gardner Intelligence

According to Gardner Business Media’s survey data, smaller firms have reported slower growth in production activity during 2019 relative to larger firms with more than 100 employees.

Print Marketing

Media Solutions to Provide Direct Reach to Markets Served

By: Maalik Bomar, Account Manager, Sales

As Account Manager in Sales serving the industrial audience with the latest informational content regarding the ever changing trends, Maalik Bomar plans to continue forward providing the best customer service to those client professionals seeking a direct reach to their markets served.

Social Media Marketing

24 Useful Tools and Apps for Marketers

Wondering how to get more marketing tasks done in a day? Looking for some fun tools to try? In this article, you’ll find 24 mobile apps and desktop tools from the Social Media Marketing podcast’s Discovery of the Week.

Marketing - General

Mistakes to Avoid When Crafting a Marketing Plan

Building a solid marketing plan takes time and hard work, but it's necessary. But even with a plan, there are a number of things that can be overlooked as a team puts together a project. To help isolate some of the missteps to watch out for, members of Forbes Agency Council talk about some issues that can arise and discuss how to best deal with those situations.

Email Marketing

Tips to Increase Your Email Open Rates – Based on Data

Improving email open rates is an on-going exercise. Use benchmark data and best practices to leverage what’s working so more eyes see your message. New data is available from the 2019 Campaign Monitor Ultimate Email Marketing Benchmarks report. Let’s explore the data.

B2B Marketing Do’s and Don’ts for Attracting Leads

When creating a B2B marketing strategy, it’s easy to get stuck in the weeds and focus on the everyday minutia. However, by following the best practices laid out here and by making sure leads are handled properly when they come in, you’ll be able to attract and convert high-quality leads.

Print Marketing

Increase in Technology Also Increases Communications

By: Claude Mas, International Group Publisher, Gardner Business Media, Inc.

The speed of technology is causing ripple effects in the global manufacturing community from production all the way to market. Technology is advancing forward exponentially. As a Group Publisher, it is my duty to push the manufacturing audience with information and knowledge that will support them in their quest to be the best manufacturers they can be, using the latest delivery tools.

Video Marketing: Why Content Trumps Quality Every Time

Adding more video content to your marketing portfolio doesn’t have to be an uphill battle. Here are a few tips on how to produce good video content without the need for full professional studio.