Social Media Marketing

Gardner Business Media Survey Helps Manufacturing Marketers Better Reach Buyers with New Data and Insights on Industrial Buying

By: Dave Necessary, Director of Strategic Engagement, Gardner Business Media

The Gardner Business Media Industrial Buying Influence (IBI) 2020 examines behaviors and influencers impacting the industrial manufacturing technology purchase process. The series offers a comprehensive analysis of how media and marketing impact the industrial buying cycle in discrete parts manufacturing. Specifically, the pace and the process by which buying teams evaluate, research and decide on purchases; and, the media types and messaging strategies that inform each stage of that purchase process. Results include observations and raw data investigating primary trends in B2B industrial marketing and media usage.

Marketing - General

Use These 5 Steps to Create a Marketing Plan

By: Entrepreneur Staff of Entrepreneur Media, Inc.

A marketing plan focuses on winning and keeping customers; it's strategic and includes numbers, facts and objectives. It spells out all the tools and tactics you’ll use to achieve your sales goals. It’s your plan of action -- what you’ll sell, who'll want to buy it and the tactics you’ll use to generate leads that result in sales. It doesn’t have to be lengthy or beautifully written. Here’s a closer look at creating a marketing plan that works.

Social Media Marketing

Social Storytelling: Should Your Brand Try Augmented Reality?

By: Krystle M. David, Forbes Staff, Forbes Content Marketing, Contributor Group

You’ve probably seen ‘Augmented Reality’ technology in action even if you didn’t know its name. When your kids play Pokemon Go or post Instagram Stories revealing their inner Disney character, that’s AR. If you’ve ever previewed how a sofa will look in your apartment before you decide to click ‘buy,’ that retailer uses AR. It is predicted that the coming years will unleash new kinds of creative storytelling. If you’re weighing the benefits of developing a branded AR experience, consider these best practices.

Print Marketing

The Importance of Advertising Through an Economic Downturn

By: Matthew Noll, Director of Marketing & Digital Strategy, EMC Outdoor

Someone once said “When times are good you should advertise. When times are bad you must advertise.” It may be a difficult road but, as they say, the only way out is through. Give in to the flight instinct, that is, run from the problem, and you may well be playing catchup for a long time . . . if you’re lucky.
#brandbuilding #economics

Marketing - General

Creating a Brand Identity -- Logo Logic

By: Mark Semmelmayer, CBC, Chief Idea Officer, Pen & Inc. Marketing Communications

Establishing brand identity is important, and consistent logo appearance is key. Here’s food for thought in designing or deploying yours. How do you keep your logo, and its contribution to brand identity, intact and recognizable, wherever used? Here are three insights and a big conclusion. It’s your brand . . . your logo. You need to control its use in every way possible to maintain consistency.

Web and Digital Marketing

Google Explains How to Use Headings for SEO

By: Roger Montti, martinibuster

Headings are useful for communicating what the content is about. Heading elements remain important for communicating what a web page is about. Find a way to make it easy for people and for scripts to understand the content and context of things on your pages.

Print Marketing

Why Print Matters


Print advertising is still alive and working. Printed media is staying afloat despite negative predictions and skepticism around it. Even more, in some industries, it remains the number one marketing platform. Print still bears a trust-value and quality that keeps it at the forefront.

Brand Authority Is the Most Underrated Marketing Goal

By: Amanda Milligan, Marketing Director, Fractl

Brand awareness is often recognized, but that’s the first step. Brand authority comes next and deserves more credit. Talking about building your overall brand authority still involves creating authoritative content written by authoritative people. But having this zoomed-out brand perspective allows you to strategize a little differently and recognize wins that are often ignored. A customer will nearly always choose a brand they’ve consistently seen as an authority over a brand that impressed them once.

Gardner Business Index Advances, Overshadowed by COVID-19 Concerns

By: Michael Guckes, Chief Economist & Director of Analytics, Gardner Intelligence

February’s Gardner Business Index reported its first month of expanding business activity since July 2019. The seven-month contraction in business conditions was led lower by weak backlogs and export orders along with weakness in new orders and production. During the second half of 2019, both new orders and production activity registered four months of contracting business activity. In contrast, data collected during the early months of 2020 has indicated expanding activity in production, new orders, supplier deliveries and employment.

Web and Digital Marketing

Effectively Optimize Your Website in a Tiny Niche

By: Tony Wright, CEO, WrightIMC

When dealing with a small niche, branch out beyond keywords. You don’t need an arsenal of tools. It’s not about the volume, but about the bottom line.

Why Brand Counts

By: Margaret Malloy, Global Chief Marketing Officer, Siegel+Gale

Brands have evolved beyond a single logo and a tagline to serve a myriad of purposes. A variety of sources return evidence to support that a strong brand is more compelling than ever. No longer limited to marketing metrics, the impact of brand can be felt in business outcomes. It is imperative to elevate brand discussion to the strategic realm and evaluate it via strategic metrics. Here are multiple studies with perspectives on the value of brand.

Content Marketing

Psychological Tactics to Write Attention-Grabbing Headlines

By: Nick Wolny, Director of Content, Super Connector Media

A headline can be as important as the content itself. A study found that 59 percent of articles shared on social media weren’t even clicked on by the user. Headlines are a critical component in your online marketing efforts, and readers use headlines to make a snap judgment about your content. When you improve content headlines in your online business, the needle will move. Here are four techniques that will make your next headline more persuasive.