The QSP Trap and How Manufacturers Can Achieve Effective Brand Differentiation

Is your brand victim to the most common brand positioning trap that captures manufacturers? Find out and learn how to achieve effective brand differentiation in the process.

Social Media Marketing

Why Influencer Marketing Is An Essential Part of An Optimal Marketing Mix

Influencers are trusted individuals who have the power to engage consumers and motivate their purchase decisions because of their real (or perceived) authority, expertise and elevated social status. Discover why tapping into the power of influencers should be a core part of your marketing mix and how you’re (maybe surprisingly) already engaging in it.

Content Marketing

Differentiate Your Brand Using Content Marketing

It’s important to differentiate yourself from the competition by using your content to show your unique perspective. Differentiation affects both your short term profits and the long term viability of your brand. It’s important to position yourself well, and keep up with what other similar brands are doing, so that you can find a unique angle to work on. Here are six tips for differentiating your brand using content marketing.

Print Marketing

Print Advertising Trends to Watch

The best ad campaigns combine online marketing with print advertising to provide a one-two punch of revenue increase. Print advertising satisfies the senses, creates a sense of trust and stability, and has proven its worth time and again in producing outstanding ROI. But with a more savvy customer base comes the need to up your print marketing game from decades past.

Content Marketing

Native Advertising: Where Valuable Content and Advertising Meet

Native advertising succeeds where some traditional advertising fails. Here’s how some manufacturing companies are using it to promote their products and services.

Web and Digital Marketing

16 Ways to Improve Your Website Conversion Rates

Are you looking for ways to improve the performance of your business website? Want to know the web design factors that will lower your bounce rate, and boost your conversions? This infographic outlines a range of key tips to get you thinking.

Social Media Marketing

How Social Media Increases Brand Awareness

Social media has proven to be a key factor in creating brand awareness. This is because social media is a great platform for brands to maintain customer relationships, while also having the opportunity to be found by new leads. In fact, a lot of people learn about new brands because it was mentioned by a friend on social media. Let’s cover a few ways social media is used to build brand awareness.

Content Marketing

What You Need to Know About Native Advertising

Your target customers are elusive. They’re online all day and consume a lot of media, but how do you reach them with your media and your message? Native advertising can be a solution.

Print Marketing

5 Ways to Improve Your Brand’s Storytelling

Which native ad format best suits your needs? Here’s a handy guide to the five most common types of native ads being used today.

Gardner Business Index (GBI) Showed Improved Production in Manufacturing - Production Overtakes Supplier Deliveries in January

Gardner Business Index (GBI), registering 53.9, showed improved production in manufacturing and raised the Index back into the range of growth readings from earlier in the current business cycle.

Joining Research with Experience to Explore Markets for Customers

Gardner participated in the creation of an in-depth go-to-market strategy for Hewlett-Packard as it expanded its presence in the world additive manufacturing, basing its findings on qualitative and quantitative research as well as its deep knowledge of manufacturing. To conduct qualitative research, Gardner used its wealth of industry contacts to put together a focus group made up of experienced shop owners and capital equipment distributors to garner their impressions of HP’s proposed product, including both features and cost.

Content Marketing

8 Benefits of Using Infographics in Your Content Strategy

Infographics aren’t dead, they’ve just been misunderstood and misused for some time. Bottom line: they’re still a fantastic format when used for the right purpose and can bring fantastic benefits as part of a wider content marketing strategy.